『超人高山宏のつくりかた』のブック・リスト 学魔の翻訳したい本








Paul Barolsky "Walter Pater's Renaissance"

Eugenio Battisti "Antirinascimento : con un’appendice di testi inediti "(伊語)

Michel Beaujour "Miroirs d'encre : rhétorique de l'autoportrait"(仏語)

英語版"Poetics of the Literary Self-portrait"

David F. Bell "Models of Power: Politics and Economics in Zola's Rougon-Macquart"

John Bender "Imagining the Penitentiary: Fiction and the Architecture of Mind in Eighteenth-Century England"

Jacques Bousquet "La Peinture Maniériste"(仏語)

Manlio Brusatin "Arte della meraviglia"(伊語)

第4章の翻訳あり。「膨大なる労働――ヴェネツィアの『造船廠』」(「ユリイカ」1995年2月  特集・マニエリスムの現在 )

Manlio Brusatin"La Storia delle immagini"(伊語)

Christine Buci-Glucksmann "Tragique de l'ombre : Shakespeare et le maniérisme "(仏語)

Mary Anne Caws "The Eye in the Text: Essays on Perception, Mannerist to Modern"

Mary Anne Caws "The Surrealist Look: An Erotics of Encounter"

Rosalie Littell Colie "Paradoxia Epidemica: The Renaissance Tradition of Paradox"

Peter Conrad "Shandyism: The Character of Romantic Irony"

Horst S.Daemmrich & Ingrid G.Daemmrich "Themes & Motifs in Western Literature: A Handbook"

Eugenio Donato "The Script of Decadence: Essays on the Fictions of Flaubert and the Poetics of Romanticism"

Philip Fisher "Wonder, the Rainbow, and the Aesthetics of Rare Experiences"


Angus Flecher "Allegory: The Theory of a Symbolic Mode"

翻訳あり。『アレゴリー:ある象徴的モードの理論 』(高山宏セレクション〈異貌の人文学〉)

Ellen Eve Frank "Literary Architecture: Essays Toward a Tradition"

Michael Fried "Absorption and Theatricality: Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot"

Ernest B. Gilman "The Curious Perspective: Literary and Pictorial Wit in the Seventeenth Century"

Ernesto Grassi "Macht des Bildes, Ohnmacht der rationalen Sprache. Zur Rettung des Rhetorischen"


Martin Green "The Triumph of Pierrot: Commedia dell'Arte and the Modern Imagination"

Claudio Guillen "Literature as System: Essays Toward the Theory of Literary History"

Fernand Hallyn "The Poetic Structure of the World: Copernicus and Kepler"


Philippe Hamon "Expositions: littérature et architecture au XIXe siècle"(英語版"Expositions:Literature and Architecture in Nineteenth-century France")

Geoffrey Hartman "Saving the Text: Literature, Derrida, Philosophy"

N. Katherine Hayles "The Cosmic Web: Scientific Field Models and Literary Strategies in the Twentieth Century"


John Thomas Irwin "The Mystery to a Solution: Poe, Borges, and the Analytic Detective Story"

Gian-Paolo Biasin "The Flavors of Modernity: Food and the Novel"

Michel Jeanneret "Des mets et des mots : banquets et propos de table à la Renaissance"(仏語)(英語版"A Feast of Words: Banquets and Table Talk in the Renaissance")

Michel Jeanneret "Perpetuum mobile:métamorphoses des corps et des œuvres, de Vinci à Montaigne"(仏語)

Luzius Georg Keller "Piranèse et les Romantiques français: le mythe des escaliers en spirale"(仏語)

Martin Kemp "The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat"

Jan Kott "The Theater of Essence"

David Lowenthal "The Past is a Foreign Country"

Adalgisa Lugli "Wunderkammer. Le stanze delle meraviglie"(伊語)
"Dans la chambre des merveilles"(仏語)は20年後にフランスで同じ展覧会が催された時の図録だろうか。頁数が10頁程少ないようだけど。


Robert Massin "La Lettre et l'image : La figuration dans l'alphabet latin du VIIIᵉ siècle à nos jours"(仏語)
英語版"Letter and Image"


Robert King Merton "On the Shoulders of Giants: A Shandean Postscript"


James Vincent Mirollo "Mannerism and Renaissance Poetry: Concept, Mode, Inner Design"


Gary Saul Morson "The Boundaries of Genre: Dostoevsky's "Diary of a Writer" and the Traditions of Literary Utopia"


Cary Nelson "The Incarnate Word:Literature as Verbal Space"


Marjorie Hope Nicolson "This Long Disease, My Life: Alexander Pope and the Sciences"


David Pascoe "Peter Greenaway : museums and moving images"


Donald Preziosi "Rethinking Art History: Meditations on a Coy Science"


Klaus Reichert "Lewis Carroll: Studien zum literarischen Unsinn"(独語)


Avital Ronell "Telephone Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech"


Steven R.Holtzman "Digital Mantras: The Languages of Abstract and Virtual Worlds"


Andreas B.Kilcher "mathesis und poiesis. Die Enzyklopädik der Literatur 1600 - 2000"(独語)



Sabine Rossbach "Moderner Manierismus : Literatur - Film - Bildende Kunst"(独語)


Jessica Wolfe "Humanism, Machinery, and Renaissance Literature"


Murray Roston "The soul of wit: a study of John Donne"


Jean Rousset "L’Intérieur et l’extérieur: essais sur la poésie et le théâtre au XVIIe siècle"(仏語)





